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Jeff Belliner

Stupid works! I've learned never too under estimate the incredible effectiveness of stupid plans!! God seems to honor them all the time.
So I'm all ears Boss whats your plan?

Janette Miller

I was one of the scoffing priests last week - a prayer meeting until 2am!? People don't attend the Thursday night prayer or the Friday am prayer walks - WHY would they pray for 6 hours into the middle of the night?!?!
I stand corrected. We stepped, our feet did not get wet, and the leadership team was not alone.
God is faithful (but I still think we could witness his faithfulness earlier in the day!).

Lincoln Souza

We heard that sandals last couple months when we decided head 1000 miles down from Sao Paulo do Paraguay. Once again sandals scoffing when that "stupid" idea of crossing the border with our cars. "What if the corrupt officers in Paraguay stop us?"

God trully and faithfully guided us there and back... And there are more to come.

Blessings from Brazil!!!

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